yesterdays photo of the day is from a photo shoot i did with a family in the morning. unfortunately yesterday was a very sunny day and that's not always best...
i'm playing catch up today i suppose it's been a busy couple days. on wed. i had to come up with something to teach about photography...well i didn't really plan...
i tired to post this last night but my internet went down right as i got on dangit. oh well it's not very cool. i need to start taking picture when there's daylight....
is this what i look like when i take pictures?! GOSH. look at that weirdo face i make. sorry to whoever has had to deal with that before. maybe since i don't wear...
I love spiderwebs. a lot of people are creeped out by spiders but i don't mind them. of course i don't want it crawling on me but if i see one in the house i'll...
Today's random image is of a blanket i'm knitting. that's what i get for waiting until late to take a picture...again. oh well. i just saw the movie whip it. it...
here's todays kinda creepy picture of the day. it's a half dead dill flower with a creepy ladybug hanging out on it. i'm doing good on this project so far. but...
SOOOOOOO i haven't posted in awhile that doesn't mean i haven't taken pictures though, quite the opposite actually i just don't have time to post the thousands...